Having a business that is a micro-niche can feel somewhat isolating in the realm of marketing. You often find that potential consumers don’t fully grasp what you do and how it differs from the industry standard, no matter how many ways you attempt to explain it.
I’m usually OK with this, as my clients are the staunchest promotors of my business and they are best able to share their unique experience with friends and family in a way that defines what my service means to them. (Have I mentioned, word of mouth is my favorite form of marketing? Yes. Yes, I have.) Honestly, the experience is a little different for everyone and that’s part of the beauty of it! The common denominator is that no home, no family, no session can be like another.
So, when you discover an outside entity that “gets” you, it’s refreshing!
I was pleasantly surprised to find that Peerspace had featured my in-home lifestyle photography business on this modest list of preferred local lifestyle photographers. The description is both eloquent and extremely accurate in articulating my approach. I’m so grateful for the inclusion!
Working with this trendsetting photographer is an exercise in intimacy: Nancy’s documentary style creates authentic snapshots of your daily life. She will focus on the connections between the members of your family, infusing each click of her shutter with real love.
— Peerspace.com